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Heilongjiang Aixpi Electronic audio Co. LTD

Tel: 137-9645-8815 (Mr Lu)

       150-9467-9902 (Ms. Liu)

Add: no.93, Dongshan Road, Jiguan District, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province


Fax: 0467-2358267

Electric guitar features optional

2020-06-12 16:32:07
19401 次

Heilongjiang Guitar Features:

Check appearance: See if the neck is flat and cracked, especially where the neck meets the body.

Intonation check: adjust the electric guitar to the standard tone, you can use the tuner to adjust it first. Pay attention to whether the string is firmly around the shaft of the winder. The school for the first time

After the sound, apply the hand to pull a few strings, and then check the tone, repeated several times, check whether the sound quality and the normal sound quality is consistent, press the string is easy.

Check the noise level: Electric guitars of imported brands are generally equipped with better strings. Try to clean the rusted strings and then connect the electric guitar

On better guitar-specific speakers, the less noise you make without touching the strings, the better.

Finally check whether the electronic organ accessories are complete.
Buy electric ji to recognize brand is very important, whether to look from exterior above all beautiful, simple sense how, consider the most important is lumber from rational Angle additionally. You can tell by the color of the wood, the lines and so on.


上一篇:Electric guitar playing skills2020-06-12
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